How to Prepare for a Mission Trip

We prepare teams for mission trips. Join us for a half-day retreat where we will explore:

  • Group dynamics and team building
  • Stress and self-care
  • Goal setting
  • Agreements vs expectations

Mission Trip Preparation: Our Mini Retreat


Exploring Group Dynamics and Team Building

Teams will become more acquainted with each other by discovering more about individual personality, work style, and conflict style. Individuals become more acquainted with and develop understanding of how they will react in different situations and how this can impact others. This process allows teams to understand how the dynamics of their personality impact others and how group dynamics can affect them. Getting to know each other and understand each other on a deeper level can improve relationships between group members and create a more cohesive trip experience. The goal is to create a more empathetic environment through building a bond of trust and practice working together to cultivate a group partnership before the trip.

Stress and Self Care

The trainers will share about what stress is and science behind how stress affects the brain and body. Teams will identify potential stressors as a group. Teams will have a chance to practice exercises shown by trainers to aid in mitigating stress. Group will come up with ideas on how as a group and individually they can support each other and communicates as stress builds, in stressful situations, and post stressor.

Goal Setting

After warmup and getting to know each other the group can have the opportunity to address what they are expecting on the trip. Evaluate what they expect to be easy, hard, stressful, areas that could lead to conflict. Set categories and goals for each category.

Agreements vs Expectations

After creating goals as a group the team will delve into expectations and agreements that they can create around each goals for the trip. The group will look to come to consensus on each agreement or expectations that they identified.

End of Day Debrief

At the end of pre-mission group training the team will debrief on what was most impactful for them and what they will take with them and use on the trip.

Interested in our Mini Retreat?

We would love to dialogue on how Care Counseling International could support your mission.